Click to expand Tap to zoom Ritzbury Fruit & Nut Chocolate 170g Sold out Original price LKR 0.00 - Original price LKR 0.00 Original price LKR 0.00 LKR 580.00 or pay in 3 x LKR 193.33 with LKR 580.00 - LKR 580.00 Current price LKR 580.00 | / product.variants.choose_variant Bin 14870 => MRP LKR 580.00 - LKR 580.00 Bin 13905 => MRP LKR 580.00 - LKR 580.00 Bin 12146 => MRP LKR 580.00 - LKR 580.00 Bin 11823 => MRP LKR 580.00 - LKR 580.00 Bin 14870 => MRP LKR 580.00 Bin 13905 => MRP LKR 580.00 Bin 12146 => MRP LKR 580.00 Bin 11823 => MRP LKR 580.00 Lot Add to cart - + Insufficient quantity Continue Shopping Price Qty Total ❮ ❯ A rich creamy milk chocolate with crunchy nuts and delightful fruits. outofstock_active cases Cases - +